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What Vitamins Cause Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 For Weight Loss

Do vitamins cause weight gain or weight loss? simple explained

Vitamin B12 is one of the essential B vitamins that help support a healthy nervous system. B12 works by converting the food we eat into sugar and other types of fuel that keep the body running smoothly.

B12 is often associated with weight loss because of its ability to boost metabolism and provide lasting energy. The vitamin doesnt work this way with everyone, though. And to feel the full effect, your body must first have a B12 deficiency.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, B12, or cobalamin, is an especially important vitamin for maintaining healthy nerve cells, and it helps in the production of DNA and RNA, the bodys genetic material.

B12 works with other B vitamins to produce red blood cells and help iron work its way through the body.

A B12 deficiency can be counteracted with a dose of the vitamin, causing energy levels to regulate and the metabolism to work harder to burn up fuel. The result is weight loss when the deficiency is mitigated, but adding B12 to a body with sufficient levels doesnt really increase natural effects.

How Does Vitamin A Affect Weight Loss

Vitamin A isnt a specific weight loss supplement. With vitamin A you dont pop a pill, get a caffeine boost, and burn fat. It is more of an indirect collaborator in helping people lose weight. Vitamin A provides a lot of cellular support in organs that can help your body on a metabolic level.

You could compare Vitamin A to a pit crew in a racethe driver and the car are doing all the work but every now and again they have to stop and get their car serviced. If there was no pit crew, they could still keep goingfor a whilebut eventually, their fuel will run out and the car will break down. This is how Vitamin A helps you with weight loss. Its a support system that helps you make it to the weight loss finish line. In the next section, we will give you three reasons to consider vitamin A in your weight loss plans.

B Vitamins Enhance Fat Synthesis

Obesity involves an accumulation of excess body fat. Early studies have already demonstrated that B vitamins play a crucial role in fat synthesis and there is a synergistic effect of B vitamins on fat synthesis. Vitamin B1 and B6 are required for the synthesis of fat from carbohydrate and protein and their effects on fat synthesis are enhanced by the presence of other B vitamins. Vitamin B6 administered together with B1, B2 and B5 resulted in a significant increase in body fat in rats. Niacin has been found to increase daily feed intake, weight gain and percentage of abdominal fat in chicken when increasing supplementation from 0 to 60 mg nicotinic acid per kilogram diet. It has been found that formula feeding leads to more fat gain, which may account for increased risk of later obesity. Considering that formulas contain high levels of B vitamins 3) that are a known factor increasing fat synthesis, we therefore propose that formula feeding-induced fat gain may be due to excess vitamins. Taken together, existing evidence suggests that excess vitamins, especially B vitamins, may play a role in the development of obesity.

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Vitamin E And Weight Loss: Benefits And Contraindications

Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is an essential vitamin which functions as an antioxidant that helps to protect a body’s fatty acids, keeping them healthy. Another common function of vitamin E in the body is the protection it provides against certain pathologies that can form toxic molecules.

Vitamin E is a well-known vitamin which carries a large set of beneficial properties. However, as with any additional medicine or vitamin, one should be aware of its possible side effects. We always recommend consulting a doctor before taking any new vitamin, even if 100% natural. A common question asked in relation to this vitamin is, Does Vitamin E make you gain weight? Keep reading here at oneHOWTO to find out everything you need to know about Vitamin E including its benefits, side effects and whether or not Vitamin E causes weigh gain.

  • Foods containing vitamin E
  • Vitamin A And Overall Health

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    Losing weight is hard when you dont feel well. If your body isnt running at its best, efficiency can take a hit and all the exercise you do could be less efficient than you think it is. That would be a waste of time and energy.

    Vitamin A has a big impact on the bodys immune system. It helps to fight off infections which is especially important when youre working out in a gym because people spread a lot of germs. You also need a strong immune system to help your muscles recover from strenuous weight exercises.

    Being able to recover from exercises helps you with your weight loss because you can keep going. In a sense, vitamin A is what keeps your weight loss going.

    Don’t Miss: Do Vitamin D Supplements Help With Depression

    How Does The Supplement Work

    The exact correlation between vitamin D and weight loss has not been clearly established. However, there are several theories. Some studies have suggested that vitamin D could reduce the formation of new cells or suppress fat cell storage. The nutrient also increases levels of serotonin, which plays a crucial role in controlling appetite.

    Accessibility Of B Vitamins

    Most Americans do not have a difficult time meeting their daily B vitamin needs, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. These vitamins are found in a variety of different foods, making it easy for you to get the nutrition you need.

    Food sources of B vitamins include grains, meat, eggs, beans and leafy greens. These foods are not only rich in these essential water-soluble vitamins, but are also low in calories and are a healthy component of any weight-loss plan.

    Read more:How Much Is Too Much Vitamin B Complex?

    Recommended Reading: How To Check Vitamin D Levels At Home

    Can Increasing Vitamin D Help You Lose Weight

    Its too soon to say whether supplementing with vitamin D would aid weight loss, but scientists are currently exploring this use.

    For example, in a study published in March 2014 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 218 postmenopausal women were given either a placebo or a supplement of 2,000 IU of oral vitamin D3 per day, which is considered a high dose. Participants, who were overweight or had obesity, were also put on a weight loss program, which consisted of an exercise program in addition to a reduced-calorie diet. The authors, including McTiernan, discovered an association between vitamin D and greater weight loss. We found that those women who received vitamin D and whose blood levels got up to normal lost more weight than women whose blood levels remained low, says McTiernan. This suggests that keeping vitamin D in a healthy range could indeed help with weight loss.

    One hypothesis on why: Vitamin D has a direct role in suppressing the parathyroid hormone, which promotes and triggers fat accumulation in the adipose tissue, suggests Dr. Perna. He authored a Medicina that cites research to support this potential mechanism. His paper also suggests that vitamin D supplementation is a potential option for weight loss programs but that further studies are needed to confirm the validity of these findings and delineate potential underlying mechanisms, he says.

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    Vitamin D Deficiency And Weight Gain

    Doc Weight Loss – B Vitamins and Weight Loss

    While research into low vitamin D and weight gain is still in its early stages, many intriguing connections have been seen.

    First, being obese or overweight is in itself a risk factor for vitamin D deficiency. Research has shown that a higher body fat percentage and BMI may be linked to lower vitamin D levels in the blood. Experts have several theories for this. Some assert that overweight and obese individuals are likely to eat foods that do not contain the vitamin. Others suggest that obese people tend to stay mostly indoors and often cover most of their skin, which can limit vitamin D derivation from the sunlight.

    At the same time, vitamin D deficiency can lead to weight gain in several ways:

    Vitamin D deficiency and fatigue

    Fatigue is one of the silent, underlying contributors to weight gain. And it is sometimes attributed to hypothyroidism, especially in middle-aged people or older, in whom the thyroid gland at times stops functioning effectively, potentially causing fatigue and weight gain.

    With low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood, you will likely experience slowed metabolism and likely put on weight. Vitamin D deficiency, however, is often ignored as a potential cause of tiredness and fatigue, which can leave you without energy and motivation to work out or stick to your weight loss routine.

    Vitamin D deficiency and loss of bone density

    Low vitamin D and weight gain and depression

    The bottom line on vitamin D and weight gain

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    What Are The Best Hair And Nail Vitamins

    Not only are there best vitamins for energy, but there are also vitamins that help us in other areas as well. Hair and nail vitamins are very popular for people who want to grow their hair longer, thicker, or more voluminous. However, no studies actually verify whether these vitamin complexes actually help us grow more beautiful hair or nails.

    The market on this is wildly varied, from bottles selling multivitamins and minerals marketed to lengthen hair and strengthen nails, to biotin supplements to help you recover from hair loss. Meanwhile, some people swear by prenatal vitamins to increase their hair and nail growth.

    However, there are two specific ingredients in many well-known products that are marketed to help grow your hair and nails vitamin E and biotin. Lets take a closer look at each of these ingredients.

    Causes Of Excess Vitamin Intake

    Until the mid 1930s when the first commercial yeast extract vitamin B complex and semi-synthetic vitamin C supplement tablets were sold, vitamins were obtained solely through natural foods and seasonal changes in diet usually greatly altered the types and amounts of vitamins ingested. For example, the intake of fresh vegetable-derived vitamins might be high in summer but low in winter. However, through evolution, humans have adapted to this seasonal variations in vitamin intake by developing mechanisms to maintain the vitamin homeostasis. While the intake of vitamins is higher in summer, their elimination through sweat and sebum may also increase because the secretion of sweat and sebum is higher in summer than in winter. Moreover, the body can store a certain amount of vitamins when the supply is adequate, which can be used for some time when the intake is inadequate. For example, it will take several months before the first symptoms of vitamin C deficiency appear in a vitamin C deprivation condition. From this point of view, it seems unnecessary to take vitamins everyday, although estimated daily average requirements and the recommended dietary allowances are given .1). Yet over the past several decades, the actual intake of vitamins has been significantly higher than the EARs due to the following causes.

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    Symptoms Of Low Vitamin D

    • rfiles

    Are you getting enough vitamin D? How do you even know? Most of us are deficient in this essential nutrient, especially during the winter months when sunlight is scarce. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to many disease processes. It also plays a role in weight gain. If youre struggling with weight loss, theres a very good chance youre also struggling to store adequate amounts of vitamin D in your body.

    How do you know if youre deficient in vitamin D? Take a look at the symptoms of low vitamin D, why this nutrient is a key weight-loss ingredient, and how we can get enough in a natural and healthy way.

    Fight Weight Loss Resistance By Feeding Your Body Well

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    Now that you know how nutrient deficiency causes weight loss resistance, whats next? Though eating well and getting the nutrients we need is more difficult for us today than it was for our great-grandparents, its certainly not impossible. All it takes is a little information and dedication to feeding your body and soul the right things every single day. And when you let go of bad habits and focus on getting all the nutrients you require, you just might find that your body lets go too of the extra weight its been holding on to!

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    Vitamin Fortification And Obesity Prevalence

    Although there are few studies linking the increased prevalence of obesity to vitamin fortification, existing evidence suggests that high-risk populations are those who are most likely to have an increased intake of synthetic vitamins and decreased vitamin elimination, e.g., populations in fortified countries, individuals with low SES in developed countries or with high SES in developing countries, formula-fed infants, and those who live in fortified countries with less rigorous physical activity.

    The prevalence of obesity varies from country to country. It seems that this variation may be related to different food fortification policies and standards among countries. As shown in Table , the ranking of countries according to their prevalence of child obesity is similar to the ranking by the fortification standards of B vitamins. Evidently, flour fortification prohibited countries have a low prevalence of obesity, while countries with high flour fortification standard have high rates of obesity. Over the past few decades, food fortification has spread from developed countries to developing countries. Therefore, it is possible that the spread of obesity from developed countries to developing countries may reflect the time sequence of implementing food fortification with vitamins.

    Excess Vitamins Cause Insulin Resistance

    Insulin resistance, a characteristic of obesity and type 2 diabetes, is a condition in which the tissues of the body do not respond appropriately to normal levels of insulin. It is known that glycemic and insulin responses are related to food. Foods can be classified by their glycemic index . Figure shows the different glycemic and insulin responses to low GI food and high GI food. The typical glycemic response to high GI foods is a biphasic response, with an initial significantly higher blood glucose and insulin level followed by significantly lower blood glucose level . Postprandial reactive hypoglycemia stimulates appetite and may lead to increased caloric intake. Therefore, it may be particularly important to understand how high GI foods induce a biphasic glycemic response.

    Typical glycemic responses to ingestion of a high glycemic index food and a low glycemic index I food. This figure is based on literature data. GI: Glycemic index.

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    Best Vitamins For Weight Loss

    Before I share with you the best vitamins for weight loss, I want to include a little disclaimer.

    Some vitamins, such as fat-soluble vitamins, can be taken too much.

    Not only can you overdose if you IGNORE the instructions on the labels, but some supplements may interfere with underlying medical conditions.

    Always consult with your doctor before taking supplements to get the all clear.

    For most of you these vitamins will help you to lose weight and feel healthier, but without knowing your medical history, its better to be safe and check.

    Okay, on with the show.

    Vitamin B And Weight Loss: What Is The Correlation

    Vitamins after weight loss surgery

    The Vitamin B complex is a group of eight B vitamins. They help convert food into glucose and thus provide the body with energy. The Vitamin B complex also helps neurological functions, and they help the body metabolize fats and proteins. All of the vitamins can be found in various foods and supplements.

    What is in the B Complex?

    Thiamine helps to strengthen the immune system. Riboflavin is an antioxidant and thus protects the bodys cells from free radicals. Niacin reduces the levels of bad cholesterol while increasing the levels of good cholesterol. Reducing bad cholesterol is believed to help prevent hardening of the arteries.

    Pantothenic acid helps metabolize carbohydrates and fats, and it helps produce hormones including testosterone. Pyroxidine or Vitamin B6 helps make neurotransmitters and certain hormones, and it also helps boost the immune system. Biotin helps developing babies grow normally, and it keeps peoples hair, nails and skin healthy.

    Folate also supports the growth of developing babies and prevents birth defects of the nervous system. It may also prevent memory loss and depression. Cobalamin works with folate to make red blood cells.

    Does It Help People Lose Weight?

    It is believed that certain vitamins in the Vitamin B complex can help people lose weight. Some of these vitamins are needed to help the body metabolize various nutrients. A 2013 study indicated that overweight and obese people were likely to have low levels of Vitamin B12.

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    The Right Dosage Of Vitamin D For Weight Loss

    Theres no magic dosage of vitamin D to aid weight loss rather, aim to reach an adequate level, which is greater than or equal to 20 nanograms per milliliter , per the NIH. If youre experiencing symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, request a blood test with your primary care doctor to find out if you would benefit from a supplement.

    People with very low levels may need to take high doses of vitamin D for a period of time to get to normal levels, but taking high levels of vitamin D should only be done under a doctors guidance, McTiernan adds. If ramping up your vitamin D in a big way is something that interests you, definitely clear it with your entire healthcare team first.

    Also know that if you are taking vitamin D supplements, the pills at a drugstore are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration before theyre marketed. The FDA suggests checking with the manufacturer about information to support the claims of the product to be sure youre getting quality supplements.


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