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HomePrenatalWhat Does Prenatal Vitamins Do

What Does Prenatal Vitamins Do

Possible Prenatal Vitamins Side Effects

How long should I be taking a prenatal vitamin?

The iron in prenatals can cause constipation, and you may also have low appetite, stomach cramps, dark stools, and diarrhea. You can ease your symptoms by:

  • Drinking a lot of fluids.
  • Eating more food rich in fiber.
  • Getting more physical activity.

Other prenatal vitamins side effects that can appear include:

  • Back pain.
  • Hives.
  • Teeth staining.

Let your doctor know if you are taking pain relievers, heart medications, high blood pressure pills, sulfamethoxazole, or diuretics, as these can have negative interactions with prenate pills. Your healthcare provider can advise you on when to start taking prenatal vitamins.

Now, we can move on to the next section: Do prenatals help you get pregnant? where we will address the following question: Do prenatal vitamins make you fertile? and also discuss when to start taking prenatals.

How We Chose The Best Prenatal Vitamins

We started with the ingredients outlined above and found prenatal supplements that contain most of the nutrients you need. From there, we checked which of these options were also tested and recommended by members of our What to Expect community, OB/GYNs or editors.

Here are our top picks.

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Not Pregnant Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Fertile Or Fat

Do you want to have a baby? If so, you might be thinking about prenatal vitamins. But is there a difference in those vitamins compared to the multivitamin you usually take to stay healthy? And can those prenatal vitamins make you fertile, or fat? The question is always asked by many women.

As it turns out, there are some important benefits to taking prenatal vitamins prior to getting pregnant. Switching to a prenatal formula wont make you fertile overnight though. It will take several months of using a prenatal vitamin to regulate your blood levels.

So, what is the Prenatal Vitamins?

During pregnancy your body might require excess amount of nutrition that even healthy foods cant fulfill. There are two major nutrients Folic acid and Iron will be required in higher amount than normal.

Folic acid To develop healthy neural tube. It is necessary to avoid serious birth defects of spinal cord, brain and even death.

Iron During pregnancy your blood volume will increase upto 20-100% to develop healthy baby. To achieve this you will require more iron.

There may be other vitamins and minerals that your doctor might suggest you according to body, weight, demography, race and accents.

The Key Components for Healthy Conception

Another vitamin you might not be getting enough of, vitamin D, has been linked to greater risk for miscarriage in the first trimester. In addition to vitamins, minerals like calcium and iron are also important for supporting a healthy pregnancy.

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Benefits Of Prenatal Vitamins

Nutritional needs are higher during pregnancy. As a mother-to-be, it is important that you get the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy, plus the nutrients your baby needs for proper development. Even if you eat a wide variety of foods, it is difficult to get all the nutrients you and your baby need from your diet alone. At Virginia Beach Obstetrics & Gynecology, ensuring that our expectant mothers take prenatal vitamins and get the nutrition they need is an important part of the prenatal care we provide.

Benefits of Taking Prenatal Vitamins

The right prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements can help you maintain your own health during pregnancy and minimize certain risks for your child. Taking prenatal vitamins from the start can provide the following important benefits:

  • Reduces the risk of your child developing spina bifida and neural tube defects: Getting enough of the B vitamin folic acid very early in your pregnancy and before you conceive can greatly reduce your childs risk of developing neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly . By taking sufficient quantities of folic acid before and at the beginning of pregnancy, your babys risk of being born with these defects is reduced by up to 70%.
  • May reduce the risk of other birth defects: Folic acid may also help lower the risk of your child being born with a cleft lip, a cleft palate, or certain heart birth defects.
  • Entire

    Greatest Prenatal Nutritional Vitamins: Meals

    Do Prenatal Vitamins Make Your Hair Grow While Pregnant

    Meals-based prenatals are extra absorbable and gentler on the abdomen, as a result of theyre derived from meals as a substitute of remoted nutritional vitamins. Actually, many ladies that suffer from constipation or nausea whereas on standard prenatal nutritional vitamins throughout being pregnant see a major enchancment when switching to food-based prenatals. As a result of theyre derived from meals, these prenatal blends comprise the enzymes, phytonutrients, and different co-factors that make the vitamin most absorbable and add to the spectrum of diet. Many additionally embody probiotics and natural blends, too.

    Reading: Best food-based prenatal vitamins

    The draw back to meals based mostly prenatals is that theyre dearer and have decrease ranges of every vitamin and mineral than an artificial vitamin. Nevertheless, as a result of they are considered extra extremely absorbable than synthetics, this isnt a deal-breaker.

    Right heres a comparability of food-based prenatals:

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    Why Take Them Before Youre Even Pregnant

    Heres the deal: Pregnancy takes a lot of you. Your cute little fetus is actually a major drain on your bodys natural resources, which is why you spend so much time in those 9 months feeling nauseated, exhausted, achy, crampy, moody, weepy, and forgetful.

    Your baby gets all the nutrients it needs directly from you, so its easy to become deficient in important vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. Making sure your body has what it needs to nourish both of you is much easier if you get started before baby is in the picture.

    Think of it like building up a reserve: If you have more than enough of the vitamins and nutrients you need to thrive, then you can afford to share those vitamins and nutrients with your baby as they grow.

    Why Should I Take Prenatal Vitamins

    Prenatal vitamins are like a nutrition safety net that helps you maintain the vitamins and minerals your body needs to grow a healthy baby and sustain your pregnancy. They work best when supported .

    The most noted example of the benefits of taking prenatal vitamins is the fact that they help you get more folic acid. When taken before pregnancy, prenatal vitamins with folic acid can help drastically reduce the incidence of neural tube defects like spina bifida and anencephaly.

    Other vitamins and minerals of importance in pregnancy include iron, calcium, vitamin D, DHA, and iodine. Your body needs twice as much iron as usual during pregnancy to build red cells to bring oxygen to the growing baby. You need 1000 milligrams of calcium per day as your baby develops its bones, teeth, and muscles. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Iodine is needed for the development of your babyâs brain and nervous system.

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    The Good The Bad And The Ugly

    If you have decided to start taking a prenatal vitamin, there are some things you should know. Weve said it before, and well say it again: prenatals are great and super important for your health and the health of your baby. Its been shown that taking prenatal vitamins can significantly reduce infant morbidity and mortality, and all the vitamins and minerals youre taking are creating the brain, spinal cord, bones, and teeth of your mini-me.

    So, what could possibly be the bad or the ugly? Its unlikely, but prenatals can also bring negative side such as constipation or nausea. If youre worried about any negative effects, you can learn how to manage them here.

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    Types Of Prenatal Vitamins

    Do prenatal vitamins improve your fertility?

    Prenatal vitamins can come in many forms , and they can be organic or vegan, as well as prescription or over-the-counter.

    While there’s no specific, standard formula for prenatal vitamins , most prenatal vitamins include some formulation of the following key nutrients for you and your baby:

    • Calcium: It is unlikely that a prenatal vitamin will contain all of the calcium you need. Pregnant women need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day from all sources as your baby develops its bones, teeth, and muscles.
    • DHA : This omega-3 fatty acid is thought to protect against a number of pregnancy-related complications.
    • Folic acid: Pregnant women need at least 400 micrograms to 800 micrograms of folic acid daily to prevent birth defects known as neural tube defects, including spina bifida.
    • Iron: Your body needs twice as much iron as usual during pregnancy to build red cells to bring oxygen to the growing baby.

    Other vitamins and minerals found in different types of prenatal vitamins might include:

    • Vitamin A: helps form healthy skin and eyestoo much vitamin A can cause birth defects, so be sure that you’re using a prenatal vitamin or a multi-vitamin with under 10,000 international units
    • Vitamin C: helps you with tissue repair and wound healing and your baby with the development of bones and teeth
    • Vitamin D: helps the body absorb calcium and helps build the baby’s bones and teeth
    • Iodine: helps the development of your baby’s brain and nervous system
    • Zinc: helps to reduce preterm births

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    Taking Prenatal Multivitamins In Every Trimester

    Baby develops and grows differently in each trimesterand moms body changes to accommodate the pregnancy. Because your nutrient needs increase during pregnancy, youll need extra calories along the way. Heres a quick overview of what happens to mom and baby over nine months:

    • First trimester: This is the most crucial time of baby’s development when the body structure and organ systems develop.
    • Second trimester: Babys muscles and bones begin to develop, and all essential organs have formed.16 Mom usually needs about 340 extra calories a day during this time.
    • Third trimester: Baby will grow and gain weight, as bones harden, and skin becomes thicker. DHA has been accumulating in the babys brain and eyes during the third trimester.17 Mom might need about 450 extra calories a day.

    The Bottom Line

    What are prenatal vitamins and minerals and what are they good for? Theyre your nutritional support when youre pregnant. Do you have to take prenatal vitamins the whole nine months? Yes! They ensure that, as you face increased nutritional demands, both you and your baby get all the essential vitamins and minerals, as well as DHA, you need at every stage. Prenatal vitamins contain a special formulation for pregnant women, including folic acid, calcium and, Vitamin D, iron, iodine, DHA and choline. Once baby is born, consider taking postnatal multivitaminsespecially if youre breastfeeding.

    Learn More About Vitamins for Women:


    Why Are Prenatal Vitamins Important

    A prenatal vitamin will help ensure you are getting the right amount of nutrients before and during pregnancy. Defects of the brain and spine occur in the first few weeks of pregnancy, usually before you find out youre pregnant. By the time you realize you are pregnant, it might be too late to prevent those birth defects. This is especially important because half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned.

    Even if your diet is close to perfect and youre eating a variety of foods, including meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and grains and legumes, you can still be lacking certain nutrients you and your baby need, especially folic acid and iron.

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    What Are The Different Types Of Prenatal Vitamins

    Prenatal vitamins typically contain folic acid , calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, and vitamins A, E, and C. The ingredients in prenatal vitamins vary depending on the product. Your doctor will recommend the right type of prenatal vitamin or prenatal supplement based on your specific needs.

  • Iron: Iron is an important nutrient for the development of the placenta and fetus. Iron also is important for increasing the number of red blood cells in the mother. Pregnant women should take about 30 mg/day of iron during pregnancy to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
  • Calcium and vitamin D: Calcium and vitamin D are used for developing your babys skeleton. The recommended amount of calcium is 1000 to 1300 mg per day for pregnant or lactating women.
  • Folic acid: Folic acid is used in the development of your babys spinal cord and brain. The CDC recommends that all women of childbearing age consume 0.4 mg of folic acid daily.
  • Zinc: Zinc helps your baby develop normally and it may increase birth weight. Zinc deficiency may cause slow growth.
  • Iodine: Iodine is needed for proper development and functioning of the thyroid gland. Iron deficiency can cause hypothyroidism in the mother or baby. Women who pregnant or breastfeeding should take of 220 to 290 mcg of iodine daily.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A is needed for proper eye development. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness. Pregnant women should take 770 mcg per day of vitamin A.
  • How To Use Prenatal Vitamins For Hair Growth

    Do Prenatal Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant

    by Edan MasorSep 23, 2021

    Prenatal vitamins are commonly taken as supplements for hair growth, particularly by women who arent pregnant. Although the evidence for this use of prenatal vitamins is shaky, there are a variety of reasons why women take prenatal vitamins for hair growth.

    We dont advise taking Viviscal vitamins if youre pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before beginning any vitamin supplement regimen if you are planning to get pregnant, are currently pregnant, or are nursing. We do not recommend the use of Viviscal vitamins during pregnancy or while lactating.

    During pregnancy, its a common fear among many women. Youve probably heard about prenatal vitamins for hair growth and wondered if they aid in the prevention or treatment of hair loss during pregnancy. Though its not known whether taking prenatal supplements promotes hair growth and nail development, over-the-counter prenatal supplements may assist in a variety of ways throughout pregnancy.

    For preserving your body and general health throughout pregnancy, youll need an adequate balance of Omega fatty acids, B-vitamins, iron, folate, and other important minerals. Prenatal multivitamin tablets are supplemented with these vital nutrients to assure that you get enough vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.


  • 8 Conclusion
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    What Are The Benefits Of Taking Prenatal Vitamins

    Prenatal vitamins fill in any nutritional gaps your body needs to support a growing baby, especially when diet alone isn’t enough to meet the body’s nutritional needs. “Prenatal vitamins are important before and during pregnancy to help your body meet the demands of pregnancy and aid in your babys development,” says Cordelia Nwankwo, MD, an ob-gyn in Washington, D.C. Remember, now that you’re pregnant, the nutrients you consume are going to you and the growing fetus.

    Here are some specific ways prenatal vitamins can support your pregnancy.

    1. They contribute to the development of the baby’s nervous system.

    On the list of very important nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy, folic acid is up there. It’s important in developing the baby’s brain and spinal cord. “Folic acid will help with the neural tube development and can help prevent neural tube defects, like spina bifida,” says Dr. Nwankwo.

    Spina bifida is a condition where the neural tube fails to develop or close properly. It can later cause your child to experience symptoms like learning difficulties, or may sometimes require surgical intervention. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , it’s important that women who are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant take 400 mcg of folic acid daily.

    2. They can help prevent anemia.

    3. They can also support your immune system.

    5. They can prevent nausea.

    Which Key Nutrients Should Women Look For In A Prenatal

    Although prenatal vitamins typically contain the full range of vitamins and minerals, the ones that are most important are folic acid, B vitamins, calcium and iron. Calcium and iron are particularly important because the requirements for these minerals are higher in pregnancy than they are for non-pregnant women.

    However, these are the ingredients most often left out of gummy vitamins, which many women like because of taste and ease of use. So if they choose the gummy, they may need to take extra iron or calcium if these have been left out.

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    Can Prenatal Vitamins Cause Constipation

    While prenatal vitamins do not directly cause constipation, some of their ingredients can contribute to it. Iron and calcium are common ingredients in prenatal vitamins that are known culprits of causing constipation because of how they are absorbed by our bodies. When your body doesnt effectively absorb available nutrients, constipation can be an uncomfortable side effect.

    The Link Between Constipation And Hemorrhoids

    Prenatal Vitamins | Parents

    On its own, pregnancy increases your risk of swollen veins around your rectum. âBut if your stool is uncomfortable to pass and youâre straining to do so, it can make hemorrhoids worse,â says Shari Brasner, M.D., assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City, and author of Advice from a Pregnant ObstetricianâThis is serious, because they can be with you for life.â You can prevent pregnancy hemorrhoids by managing constipation, using the tips below.

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    Help You Get The Nutrients You Both Need During Pregnancy

    The food you eat during pregnancy is your babys primary source of nutrients, and those nutrients help them grow. So your nutritional needs skyrocket. And while you may be eating well, it can be hard enough to get all of the nutrients you need, let alone sufficient amounts for your baby too. This is where prenatal vitamins come into play: theyre designed to supplement your diet to make sure you and your baby are getting all the lovely vitamins and minerals you require .

    Side note: prenatal vitamins are designed to supplement a healthy diet. Theyre not intended to replace it. So keep filling your plate with lots of meat , seafood, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and grains as these are all great sources of those nutrients you and your little one need.


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