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HomeWhich Vitamins Support Bone Health

Which Vitamins Support Bone Health

Why Is There A New Focus On Vitamin D Today

What Nutrients Help Improve Bone Health?

Recent research has stressed the importance of Vitamin D not just for good bone health, but also for possibly preventing chronic disease when we are older. Yet, many children today are not getting enough Vitamin D.

There are several reasons children today do not get enough Vitamin D. An important one is that very few foods contain substantial levels of the vitamin. Even the healthiest of diets will probably not provide a child with adequate Vitamin D.

Changes in lifestyle have also played a part. Several aspects of modern-day childhood impact Vitamin D intake:

  • Children today spend hours in front of a computer or a television, rather than playing outdoors.
  • Few children walk to school on a regular basis.
  • Many popular sports, such as basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics, are indoor sports.
  • Milk intake by children has steadily decreased in favor of soda or juice.

Spending too much time indoors can affect the amount of Vitamin D children’s bodies make. Parents should apply sunscreen to their children when they play outside.

Children today spend a lot of time being indoors and inactive. It is well-documented that fitness levels among children are on the decline and obesity levels are rising. Children should have at least 35 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Without it, they cannot build healthy bodies .

If a healthy diet and playing outside will not provide children with enough Vitamin D, then how do we make sure they get it?

Should You Take A Vitamin K Supplement

Based on the connection between vitamin K and bone health, several studies looked at whether it makes sense for anyone, including people with osteoporosis or at risk for it, to take vitamin K supplements. So far, results have been mixed.

Some studies, many of them conducted in Japan, found that supplementation with vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 improved bone mineral density, and few studies showed a decreased risk of bone fractures. Some subsequent studies found that vitamin K supplementation had no effect on bone mineral density. Many of the studies conducted thus far are limited by flaws in the design or a small number of participants.

Evidence to support vitamin K supplementation is too preliminary and contradictory to make recommendations. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not authorized a health claim.

There is evidence for some positive effect, and there are ongoing studies, says Dr. Deal.

Vitamin K supplements are relatively safe, and many people take them. People taking blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin , should not take vitamin K without consulting their doctor because vitamin K can reverse the effects of these drugs.

This article originally appeared in Cleveland Clinic Arthritis Advisor.

What Supplements Are Best For Bone And Joint Health

As we age, bone and joint health take on more importance. Maybe weve had an injury and are looking to support healing. Perhaps were concerned about osteoporosis or arthritis and seeking ways to stay healthy. Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements can play a role in keeping bones and joints healthy. But make sure theyre part of a big-picture plan that includes diet, exercise, and support from healthcare providers. And be sure to talk with your doctors when you start a new supplement. There are medical considerations, including drug interactions, to consider. And not all over-the-counter products live up to the hype.

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Foods For Bone Health

Yogurt, Cheeses, and Buttermilk

Milk and dairy are easily absorbed sources of calcium, which your body needs to support healthy bones.

Dark Green Vegetables

Vegetables like broccoli, collard greens, kale, and turnip greens are great sources of calcium.

Oily Fish

Eat salmon, swordfish, tuna, and mackerel for vitamin D, which your body needs to help absorb calcium.


Nuts, specifically almonds and Brazil nuts, are rich in calcium and help support healthy bones.


Incorporating more beans into your diet has many health benefits. Choose chickpeas and white beans as they have higher calcium amounts than others.

Fortified tofu, cereal, or orange juice

Some breakfast cereals, orange juice and tofu are fortified with calcium to help support bone health.

Calcium And Whole Milk Dairy: The Pros And Cons

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While milk and other dairy products contain a lot of calcium in a highly absorbable form, there may be some potential downsides.

Whole milk dairy products are often high in saturated fat. Many prominent health organizations recommend that you limit your saturated fat intake and choose low- or non-fat dairy foods, though an increasing body of research shows that eating whole-milk dairy products is linked to less body fat and lower levels of obesity. Low-fat and non-fat dairy products also tend to contain lots of hidden sugar to make up for the loss of taste, which can be far more detrimental to your health and weight than the saturated fat its replaced.

Milk can contain high levels of estrogen. Some studies show a possible link between the natural estrogens found in milk and breast, prostate, and testicular cancer. Part of the problem is modern dairy practices, where the cows are fed synthetic hormones and antibiotics, kept continuously pregnant, and milked over 300 days per year. The more pregnant the cow, the higher the hormones in the milk. Organic milk comes from cows that are grass-fed and not given synthetic hormones or other additives, although organic milk can still be high in natural hormones. Because both natural and synthetic hormones are found in the milk fat, skim milk has a much lower level.

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Osteoporosis: 7 Best Supplements That Help Increase Bone Density

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the quality and density of your bones are reduced, leading to porous bones. As bones become more porous, you are put at an increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis typically needs medication for treatment, however, there is a way for you to supplement your treatment with supplements that help increase bone density. Here are 7 of the best supplements that help increase bone density:

NatureWises Vitamin D3 is currently 40% off on your first subscribe and save order. This supplement helps support teeth and bone health, provides immune support, and promotes healthy muscle function. It delivers the same biologically active form of vitamin D produced by the body when exposed to sunlight and helps your body better absorb calcium, ensuring that your bones stay dense and strong.

Sports Researchs Vitamin D3 with Coconut Oil delivers the same biologically active form of vitamin D produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. This supplement helps support teeth and bone health by improving calcium absorption, which is important in keeping bones strong.

New Chapters Bone Strength is currently 40% off on your first subscribe and save order. Formulated with clinical-strength plant calcium with vitamin K2, this supplement directs calcium to your bones, where you need it most. It provides 3-in-1 benefits, supporting bone strength, joint flexibility, and heart health.

Bone Support Is Formulated With 150 Mg Of Vitamin C Shouldnt I Be Getting More Of This Nutrient Daily

Not necessarily. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that has an excellent safety track record. While most individuals are accustomed to taking 500, 1,000 or even 1,500 mg of vitamin C daily, our bodies do not require this amount for optimal health and wellness. At high doses, the risk of toxicity with vitamin C is very low because unlike their fat-soluble counterpart, the body does not store the excess. But, taking amounts over 1,000 mg can cause gastrointestinal upset in some people. Supplementing the diet with 150 mg to 300 mg per day of vitamin C to support general health and wellness is sufficient for most individuals. A higher intake is recommended during periods of stress which is why VitaMedicas Clinical Support Program is formulated with 750 mg of this nutrient.

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Natural Ways To Build Healthy Bones

Building healthy bones is extremely important.

Minerals are incorporated into your bones during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Once you reach 30 years of age, you have achieved peak bone mass.

If not enough bone mass is created during this time or bone loss occurs later in life, you have an increased risk of developing fragile bones that break easily .

Fortunately, many nutrition and lifestyle habits can help you build strong bones and maintain them as you age.

Here are 10 natural ways to build healthy bones.

Effects Of Lifestyle Factors On Bone Health: Smoking Alcohol Coffee And Physical Activity

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It is important to note that the available data on the effects of lifestyle factors on bone health come primarily from observational studies thus, interpretation of associations is limited by potential confounding. Specifically, factors that are associated with the exposure and have an effect on the outcome under study may not always be identified and accounted for residual confounding may remain after controlling for the potential effect of confounders. For example, a study may find that coffee consumption is associated with lower bone mineral density however, because smoking is often associated with coffee consumption, smoking may have confounded the observed association between coffee intake and risk of low bone mass.


Several meta-analyses have been conducted to assess the relationship between cigarette smoking and bone health. After pooling data from a number of similar studies, there is a consistent, significant reduction in bone mass and increased risk of fracture in smokers compared to non-smokers . The effects were dose-dependent and had a strong association with age. Beyond the direct effect of tobacco, unhealthy lifestyle habits and low body weight present in smokers may also contribute to the negative impact on bone health . Additionally, smoking leads to alterations in hormone production and metabolism that could affect bone cell activity and function .



Physical activity

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How To Keep Your Bones Strong As You Age

It’s true that we lose bone as we age. Bone loss can cause osteoporosis, where bones can become so thin that they break. Fractures from osteoporosis are a leading cause of disability. The good news: Osteoporosis isn’t a natural part of aging — theres plenty you can do to keep your bones strong and healthy.

The first step is getting all the nutrients you need for proper bone growth. “A healthy diet can significantly reduce the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis,” says Kathleen Zelman, RD, director of nutrition for WebMD. “And it’s never too late to start.”

Are There Any Bone Marrow Supplement Side Effects To Be Aware Of

Since bone marrow supplements are essentially just a source of vitamins and nutrients coming from food, there are rarely any side effects to be aware of.

However, some people may react to the glutamine in bone broth or bone marrow supplements, or perhaps a reaction to histamine.

If you have a glutamine or histamine reaction to a bone marrow supplement, it may cause symptoms like headaches, increased heart rate and digestive problems. It can also lead to dry mouth or a runny nose, and hot flashes or sweating.

These symptoms in reaction to a bone marrow supplement or bone broth, may indicate your body has too much glutamine or histamine.

Most people will not experience any bone marrow supplement side effects, however. Within a few weeks people often say they feel significantly better and see benefits.

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Tips For Adding More Calcium From Dairy To Your Diet

  • Use milk instead of water when making oatmeal or other hot breakfast cereals.
  • Substitute milk for some of the liquid in soups such as tomato, squash, pumpkin, curries, etc.
  • Milk can be added to many sauces or used as the base in sauces such as Alfredo and Béchamel sauce.
  • Make whole-wheat pancakes and waffles using milk or yogurt.
  • Get creative with plain yogurt. Use it to make a dressing or a dip, or try it on potatoes in place of sour cream.
  • Add milk or yogurt to a fruit smoothie. You can even freeze blended smoothies for popsicles.
  • Enjoy cheese for dessert or as a snack. Try cheddar, mozzarella, Gouda, jack, Parmesan, or a type of cheese youve never had before.

Ways To Build Strong Bones

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It’s easy to take our bones for granted. After all, they do all their work behind the scenes. But when a bone breaks, it’s a big deal. Bones take time to heal, even for kids.

Having strong bones in childhood is a good start for bone health throughout life. We build almost all our bone density when we’re children and teens. People are mostly finished building bone around age 20. As adults, we still replace old bone with new bone, but more slowly. As older adults, our bones get weaker over time.

Kids with strong bones have a better chance of avoiding bone weakness later in life. Parents can help by making sure kids get the 3 key ingredients for healthy bones: calcium, vitamin D, and exercise.

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Potential Concerns With Calcium Supplements

There are some concerns about taking large doses of calcium via supplements.

For example, calcium supplements have been associated with symptoms like constipation, kidney stones, and other digestive issues. There are also some concerns that they may be bad for heart health .

One review found an increased risk of heart attacks in those taking calcium supplements. That said, other studies have not shown a link between calcium supplements and negative outcomes for heart health .

As dietary intake of calcium has not been linked to these side effects, its best to focus on meeting your calcium needs through your diet and discussing the potential need for supplements with your healthcare provider.


While there are certain situations in which calcium supplements may be indicated, the current research doesnt support the use of calcium supplements to prevent or manage osteoporosis.

What Is Vitamin D And What Does It Do

Vitamin D plays an important role in protecting your bones, both by helping your body absorb calcium and by supporting muscles needed to avoid falls. Children need vitamin D to build strong bones, and adults need it to keep their bones strong and healthy. If you dont get enough vitamin D, youre more likely to break bones as you age.

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Vitamin D Recommended Dietary Allowance

The FNB recommends 400 International Units of Vitamin D for infants during the first year of life. The RDA for everyone from age 1 through 70 years is 600 IU. Recent research, however, supports that the body needs at least 1000 IU per day for good bone health, starting at age 5.

Getting enough vitamin D from what we eat is very difficult. While many foods contain some Vitamin D, few contain enough to meet the daily recommended levels for optimal bone health.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, children were routinely given cod liver oil for a range of medicinal purposes. When cod liver oil was tied to the prevention and treatment of rickets, Vitamin D was discovered. Soon after, Vitamin D was added to milk one glass of milk contains about 100 IU of Vitamin D. As a result, parents stopped using cod liver oil. Because today’s children do not drink as much milk as in the past, it is difficult for them to get enough Vitamin D from milk. In addition, other dairy products are not typically supplemented with Vitamin D.

Supplements: Part Of An Integrated Bone Health Plan

What supplements are recommended for bone health?

When used wisely, supplements can play a role in boosting bone and joint health. But we should combine them with a broader approach, including:

  • A healthy diet with lots of vegetables and leafy greens.
  • Fitness program including both cardio and strength training.
  • Regular wellness checks with your primary care provider.
  • Physical therapy for an injury or chronic conditions.

If youre getting orthopaedic care for an injury, arthritis, or a chronic condition, supplements may help healing. But your orthopaedist needs to know about everything youre taking to avoid dangerous interactions. And finally, over-the-counter supplements should not replace professional healthcare. If your joints hurt, see your orthopaedist. A range of approaches are available, including surgery and physical therapy. In many cases, physical therapy can be the most beneficial approach to tackling bone or joint pain. At Countryside Orthopaedics & Physical Therapy, our decades of experience and a top-notch team of physicians and physical therapists give us the bandwidth to find solid, medically sound solutions for joint pain. Sometimes supplements can give bone health a boost. But make sure youre combining them with the best 21st Century healthcare for real results.

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Not Getting Enough Vitamin K Hurts Bone Health

Several observational studies have found that inadequate intake of vitamin K is linked to low bone density and increased risk for fractures.

A study that analyzed data from the large Nurses Health Study found that women who consumed less than 109 micrograms of vitamin K per day were more likely to break a hip.

A study of participants in the large Framingham Heart Study also showed a link between low vitamin K intake and increased risk of hip fractures. This study also showed an association between low dietary intake of vitamin K and low bone density in women.

An adequate intake of vitamin K is considered to be 120 mcg for men and 90 mcg for women. A true vitamin K deficiency, which is marked by an inability of blood to clot normally and easy bruising, is rare. Most people can avoid a deficiency by getting enough vitamin K in their diet, says Dr. Deal.


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